Hello !
I'm Richard Soberka, creator of Trekway.
Photographer and traveler, I conceived this website in order to share my passions and to present to you, through my photographs, a personal vision of our world.
To contact me : 
Trekway is :
- A collection of authentic and unique travel guides, based on my personal travel stories.
- The english translation of the French www.photoway.com website.
(partial translation, work is still in progress... www.photoway.com consists of about 2500 pages and receives more than 6000 french visitors a day.)
- A collection of professional stock photos, sorted by country.
- A real gold mine of information about more than 30 countries.
- An open window on my personal passions, which are travel and photography.
- An inexhaustible source of desktop pictures!
My wishes :
- To brighten your day by bringing you a little escape with my photos and travel stories.
- To share with others my deep appreciation of nature.
- To see Trekway grow with the help of new partners and sponsors.
- To sell my pictures :
Advertising agencies, magazines, publishers...
in search of original photographs, please contact me : 
All the pictures shown on trekway - and thousands more - are available in hi-res files (34 to 65 Mb).
More information...
- The idea for photoway.com (the original French version of trekway.com) goes back to August 1998, but was inspired by my world tour in 1996.
- I'm the author of all the photographs and stories found on trekway.com;
however I receive a helping hand with the translation from French to English from Dean Galloway (from www.desktoppictures.com).
- I take particular care to verify the accuracy of information in my stories; however, if you discover errors or anomalies, do not hesitate to tell me.
- On the other hand, all these stories reflect my personal feelings, and in some cases they cannot be held as universal truths.
- In love with nature, the respect of our planet is my absolute priority.
Thus, I pay special attention not to pollute nor disturb the places I visit, satisfying myself by capturing the wonders of nature on film... You will find my personal page here.